Playing catchup was coloured by my "lalalaIcan'thearyou" reaction to all the disturbing ObGyn talk.
Our performance of Beethoven's
Mass in C
on Wednesday was so-so. Our performance on Thursday? Was fantastic. SUCH a good feeling. Go Team Us!!! (I mean, the audience clearly enjoyed it a lot on the Wed, but our director has v. high standards and has communicated them to us, and we all knew we could have done much better than we did on Wednesday. And then on Thursday we were 200% better!)
Presently watching
When Harry Met Sally
and drinking green tea with organic honey.
Today I walked 4k in 40 minutes. This is a significant improvement on how far I could walk in that time a week ago. Am all chuffed.
I have decided that I'm going to award myself an iPod when I've lost 2 stone. One with a video function, so I can download fanvids and watch 'em.
Today I walked 4k in 40 minutes. This is a significant improvement on how far I could walk in that time a week ago. Am all chuffed.
Well done, oh Fay.
I have decided that I'm going to award myself an iPod when I've lost 2 stone. One with a video function, so I can download fanvids and watch 'em.
Good reward system too.
I think I need some more Fay pictures to make it through the holidays. That's my reward system. Can you help me?
Time to get off the computer and on to some of the rest of the list.
Done today:
Laundry - big deal, that's every day
Purchased 11 DVD's for my family and great niece and nephew
Found and purchased great t-shirt for son Brendon with a picture of a cow jumping over the moon and the inscription "I've got mad skills" which is so perfect since he loves cows and he says that all the time. Whee!
Purchased inexpensive mp3 players for the boys since they are too young for me to purchase ipods for them.
Still on the list:
Finish packaging cookies for the neighbors
Purchase and decorate Christmas tree
Get the rest of the decoration boxes down from the attic and put stuff around the house
Do huge mountain of dishes
More laundry
Go over rest of shopping list with DH because I really want to do all of this on line and time is running out
Assemble family for picture taking so I can print out holiday cards
Post message in Press to invite people to get said cards - I can do that now
Clear huge mountain of stuff off of Bobby's bedroom floor so he can put train sets there
and more....
Christmas party for Joe's company!
What a beautiful family. The picture bubbles over with love.
Today I've bought my sister a belated birthday present, ordered ingredients for Holiday Things In Jars (and Bottles), bought jelly jars, submitted a receipt for insurance reimbursement, thrown out all the expired meds in the bathroom.
I'm debating whether I want to go out again to get wine and vodka (the only 2 ingredients I can't get from FD), or wait until tomorrow.
This morning i woke up early. DH did too. I groaned and said " isn't the smell of roast turkey driving you crazy. He got out of bed and brought me an apple. awww.
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Happy Anniversary Beth and Matt!
So the stressing about whether to color hair and how to style it for a party tonight? Not just me. Cool. Though I also have to stress on what to wear so we should talk about that for a while too.
Ooh, I forgot to wish beth and matt a Happy Anniversary! Or, Awniversary, as seems to be a much better soubriquet for them.
Time to start coloring my hair. Really don't want to do it today, but that's what I get for being the world's worst procrastinator. Phooey.
Though I also have to stress on what to wear so we should talk about that for a while too.
Oh! What are the options?