David, it's fairly thick and turns into a frizzy 1/2 curly 1/2 straight mess if I allow it to dry naturally. Which is why I blowdry the heck out it every morning.
I'll just throw the notion out that if you went to stylist who specialized in curly hair, you could get a cut that was sexy/curly/wavy instead of mass of frazz. There's a whole curly-cut philosophy emerging which emphasizes cutting it dry, cutting the curl at a particular place in the bend etc. that's very different from the kind of pulling it straight while wet cutting approach. That way you could keep the length, but have a different look that (theoretically) required less blow dry maintenance.
Oh--important other details--my hair is fine (but not thin) and has natural curl. It doesn't like being forced to straighten (though it's much easier when it's shorter), and I have to really work to overcome the waviness.
Thoughts? Suggestions?
Go to Scrappy's hairstylist! You could pull off any of those looks.
::tries to imagine a look that would look bad on Kristin. Fails.::
and I have to really work to overcome the waviness.
I have to say, I'm an advocate of learning to work with what your hair does naturally.
Oooh! Pictures, please! I don't think I've ever seen you with straight hair.
Please note that for me, "straight" doesn't equal "hangs straight down," like it does with you (or, IIRC, Anne). It just means "not wavy, but will hang any damn way it pleases, so just accept that."
And if I have time, I'll take a picture.
Oddly enough, I am scheduled to have my hair cut this afternoon. Whee!
I like this: [link]
and this: [link]
I'm definitely feeling like I want a hair cut. It's just that my damned hair takes ages to grow out again, so it's always a tough decision for me.
I like this: [link] and this: [link]
You'd look very striking in those cuts.
Thanks Hec, and thanks for the compliment earlier.
Sounds good, Hec. I'll look into it. Thanks for the tips!
And if I have time, I'll take a picture.
I always look forward to Teppy pics.
Must stop watching Angel dvds. Must color hair. Must find outfit.