MG, you've dealt with a lot of shit recently. This is nothing.
Mmm, turkey smells are evil if you can't swipe bits of turkey to eat at the same time.
Totally. And the best part, the absolute best part, is the crispy bit of stuffing sticking out that you snatch from the turkey when your mom's not looking. Yum.
My body hates me. I am up, again, at a ridiculous hour. Oh, well. Will try to get some homework done.
Turkey done. gravy made. DH is now destuffing the turkey. tiny bits snatched. If I can't eat Turkey I should sleep, not wash more pots....
I swear - marriage makes you do strange things - cooking a Turkey til one am was Not in the marriage manual.
Btw, in about 1/2 hour from now, DH and I will have been married for 10 years. actually - it was here....
Happy Anniversary, beth and Matt!
vw, I woke up about 20 minutes after you did. Did you do that? I really could have used another hour.
Tip-toes in. Pirouettes prettily on pointed toes and swishes out, trailing glitter and warm fuzzies behind.
Sleeeeep, my babies, sleeeeep.
Happy anniversary, beth and matt! Lovely little chapel y'all chose.
Cat role reversal tonight. Sammie traditionally sleeps snuggled up next to me, and Harvey sleeps somewhere on me, if I let him. Been so achy lately I have not been letting him. So tonight, without any reminders, he slept at my side. I woke up with Sammie on my chest, purring a very soft Sammie-purr (very different from the Harvey purr, which is very similar to the intensity of a cordless drill). Also, I don't know if it is the difference in her choice of spots to settle on, or the difference between the ten pound cat and the nine pound cat, but her sleeping on my chest did not make me feel painfully immobilized the way Harvey does when he sleeps on my upper legs.
I thought people would like to know, I canvassed the opinions of my younger brothers on whether TM!Girl is interested in me. My brother the pig says yes. My brother the doctor asked the rather sensible question of whether I was interested in her.
One brother is now konked out on the couch, while the other is clinking things together in the kitchen. I like my family. (After watching "Death to Smoochy", other brother has a new motto: "Sorry if I smell like piss. You know how it is.")
vw, I woke up about 20 minutes after you did. Did you do that? I really could have used another hour.
Damn. And I was trying to be so quiet!