BAck home from the theatre with PJ's on, a blanket and a cat on my lap. 'S nice.
Sounds lovely... I have silk jammies, fizzy wine and kitties wandering. It's a nice life.
It is a different vibe in the house...
Probably totally not what we were going for, but there was a moment where I stopped being a "grandchild" and just sort of moved to my mom's level on that side of the family. Everyone else was just so young. I like being able to relate to my uncles (and mom, but we came by that seperately) on more of a level field.
I have fizzy wine, too! And bitters. And Y!Messenger and MSN, iff'n anyone wants to bug me...
[redacted] VERY original, I know.
I have satin paisley jammies. No wine, though. Fizzy wine? Prosecco?
Fizzy wine? Prosecco?
Tonight is a sparkle from California, Piper Sonoma. I am totally prosecco's bitch though.
Hmm. I just realized that we are swinging into the season of the fizz. I love champagne; I need to pick up a couple of bottles for New Year's, maybe a bottle for the after-party for the wedding the night BEFORE New Year's, and I also am hosting a small party next Sat., and I'm making mulled wine.
I have a list the liquor store. But if I buy it all at once, it's all taken care of. Plus, I know a guy at a liquor store, and I can get it at cost.
Hmm. Chambord, for Kir Royales, maybe.
Am I forgetting anything?
prosecco! prosecco!
and then we can make bellinis.
A few pomegranite seeds are pretty and tasty.
Other than that, Trader Joe's is god but Beverages and More run a decent second. And anything cheap at a grocery store is trash.
Mmmm, fizzy...
Oh, and bellinis are the best thing ever. Find peach mush and you are as a god.