Cash, does lying down with your snuggly curved pillow thing help the sciatica? I seem to remember that when my back pain went all the way down my sciatic nerve, lying on the opposite side with a pillow between my knees helped somewhat.
ION, I just ordered an assload of Xmas gifties from Villainess soaps. Yum.
Called PCP. No luck. Am about to burst into tears from frustration.
Jessica, your PCP won't give you a scrip for BC pills that you already take? Even if s/he didn't prescribe them, it should *not* be a big deal.
I'm feeling a need to wield a cluestick.
Jessica, your PCP won't give you a scrip for BC pills that you already take? Even if s/he didn't prescribe them, it should *not* be a big deal.
I know, right? It's not like I'm asking for a MORPHINE prescription.
Jess, this is insane. I am filled with fury for you.
Cash, my hips and pelvis are having remembered twitches for you.
I saw a young-ish female OB who had two small children. If she winds up leaving the practice (she's gone part time as of a few months ago, because her commute involved an airplane), I'll probably try to find another OB/GYN who is youngish and has small children. Though I guess the last part isn't a deal breaker unless I go completely off my rocker and decide more children are a good idea.
The resident who I had in L&D kicked ass, but she was a resident, so I can't keep her.
Um...Jessica, that's ridiculous! I'm so sorry you're having such a difficult time.
I've been on the same freaking pills for TEN YEARS. I don't take ANY other medication except for the occasional Claratin or Advil. There is exactly ZERO chance of a dangerous drug interaction or side effect.
The really funny part is that my pharmacy (Eckerd's) is on's Good list. So I can't even blame this on conservative morality -- it's pure simple incompetence.
My next step is to email my mother and see if she can pull in a favor from one of the docs she works with.
Cash, does icing help? I have genetic sciatic-screwed-ness, and sometimes icing it will help to calm the flare-up a bit. (I got nothing for the other thing).
Jess, I got nothing. (Except extreme indignation and irritation on your behalf. This is ridiculous.)
that is way too crazy Jessica
I have also folded one load of laundry and called the water heater guys to tell them that thier installation passed inspection.
Not sure there is time for a shower before work
And in completely other news, has anyone else noticed Gmail's new "web clip" feature? All of the ones that appear when I'm in my Spam folder for Spam! I am amused.