Does nobody bath their children in the kitchen sink anymore? Gosh, what is the world coming to?
Still playing with the new hair cut. I still think I like it.
Sadly I woke up with a monster headache after sleeping like hell. Have taken pain meds and will be heading into the office for a 5:30 arrival. Blarg.
We washed Elie in the kitchen sink at first, but it's sort of hard. We haven't tried the big tub yet, but we have a good thing going with her baby tub.
Joe I know won't do it. Took him months before he would wash "the girly bits". @@
My Joe had the same issues. He will wash her now, but he always does it sort of briskly, which cracks me up. I'm just happy that he is having fun bathing the rest of her, so I say nothing.
Sorry for your loss Foxhunter. Loads of dealing-ma to you.
Urg. I'm back at work after two days out with the zombie death flu. I am not as better as I thought I was.
We have the most beautiful babies.
I bathed Aidan and Kara in the kitchen sink when they were smaller. Nowadays they share a bath in the big tub, though Kara is making noises about being too big to share.
Don't know why, but the kitchen-sink thing bugs me. And I even disinfect mine! Mal has a Euro-tub thing though, which he loves.
I once actually stopped to think about how weird it was, but my siblings and I were all bathed in the kitchen sink, and Nick was bathed there first by his grandmother, and now it's big.
I just called the Ohio Quit Line, talked to the counselor and will be receiving patches on or around the 9th of November, official quit date the 14th of November. Am a nervous wreck.
Go you! You’re gonna do great!
I think all the band names have been covered. What fun to read!
Mg, GREAT new do!
Night shift! I’ve missed you.
There’s a glitch in the survey. Must fix.
I seem to have short ideas this morning.
Yay for beautiful babies!
Deena, what band names are the finalists?
The finalists are:
t drumroll
Astronaut vs. Caveman
Villains & Heroes
Critique (of Pure Reason)
Tanged and Barbed
Death Is The New Black
Hands of Blue