I know Mom will, and that if I tell her not to it will make Christmas even more unpleasant than it will otherwise
Ah, well. I'd totally tell my mother I didn't think she should, and she might laugh, but then she would, because apparently there are more important things than my sense of nasty justice.
Oh, I am, I am. I know Mom will, and that if I tell her not to it will make Christmas even more unpleasant than it will otherwise, but I am hoping, and I will make it clear that I am not going to help out.
buy something else for your niece. that way, she doesn't get caught because of her mother's crap, but you still can tell your sister to put down the crack pipe.
Target's real problem is that both sides of the cultural wars consider them a, well, target. With pharmacists being able to not fill prescriptions on ideological objections on one side and the Happy Holidays/Merry Christmas battle on the other, Target isn't winning.
This is the part I'm enjoying. I don't mean that against Target. I just get a complete kick out of the fact that two so very different groups are targeting Target at the same time.
She's nice and cute and sweet and I feel like an ogre, but really, I do not have it in me to babysit today
Heh. Normally at work, I'm all "ooh! baby! Work, what work?". But definitely not in the job description and not required.
This year she has bypassed her habit of either asking for a gift card or directing us to a specific item in a catalogue to "I'm getting Youngest daughter this particular present, and either you or mom will pay for it."
Dude. That's really not very cool at all.
I doubt either issue will impact their bottom line all that much, as long as they can maintain their image of "Less evil than Wal-Mart."
Between that and "cooler to shop at than KMart", well...they're winners! Of something. My $, I guess.
Also, you can just as easily claim that holidays like Yule and Saturnalia were corrupted by Christians who stole all their symbols.
Yes. As far as I know, there is no evidence that Jesus was born on December 25. The date was chosen because almost every pre-Christian European culture celebrated the return of the sun after the darkest day of the year. Do these clowns really think that fertile green trees brought into the house and candles and fires and hopeful winter feasts have anything to do with the birth of Jesus? Christmas is like the pagan hit parade. It has always been a mixture of European cultural traditions.
I sense a new KMart advertising compaign: "We'll give you all your pills, and thank Jesus while we're doing it!"
There's a major difference between individuals making individual choices, and a group like the AFA soliciting boycotts from their members.
I can see this point, but it's an individual choice to be a member of the AFA. The organization only has power to solicit boycotts because the people choose to give it that power, and follow the boycotts.
buy something else for your niece. that way, she doesn't get caught because of her mother's crap, but you still can tell your sister to put down the crack pipe.
I think that's the best bet. The charity contibution thing would be more fun for me, but I don't really want the nieces to get caught up in it.
The charity contibution thing would be more fun for me, but I don't really want the nieces to get caught up in it.
That's what really sucks. You hate to stick it to them at Christmas to prove a point to your sister.
We have attained pukage. This will not be a puke-free day. It will be a class-free day, though. Um, yay?!