Sparky! Whale tail! SO COOL. How much did you end up seeing the whale, did you go watching or was it just there?
I have been physically unable to complain about cold weather since moving from Fairbanks, where I lived during their coldest month on record (January 1989).
60 below for 5 days straight, and they didn't even cancel school until the last day, when the buses finally gave up the ghost. Bastards.
Duuuuude. Alaska's State motto could be along the lines of: We're Not Nuts, Honest.
I'm just confused by people boycotting stores for not having Christmas stuff. They're arguing for a more commercialized Christmas?
I know, right! Oy.
Oh no, this won't be the last jab of pain. That one's going to come when she tells me she's pregnant. I'm not even going to pretend I'll be ready for that one. That will hurt big time.
oh, alRIGHT... knock me up if it'll make you feel better...
t eyeroll
Everybody suggest one book they love that was published before 1923.
Tess of the D'ubervilles
North of Boston by Robert Frost.
I so need to read this. We read a bit for my creative writing class last Spring, and I just loved it. Forgot about it until now, though.
t whine
I am feeling very burnt out and exhausted. Tom is concerned that I'll get stressed, but I am so far from stressed it's alarming. I'm very "And somehow, I just can't seem to care" about it all-slammed at work, school, and holiday stuff. I just want to sob in exhaustion and sleep for about a week straight. Also, not to get too personal, but I'd
like to be able to have enough energy to have sex.
t /whine
And in other religiious-right complaints, they feel W. has fallen from his evangelical status because the White House cards say "Happy Holidays".
Today my boss is taking my team out to PF Changs for late lunch/early dinner. I like the folks on my team, but social time with them....oh fun. *cough*
Nora, I feel like wrapping you up in a blanket and giving you cocoa. Or at least finding a hot tub. I wish you lived closer so we could get together and try to overcome schoolwork-related apathy together. I have a presentation, a paper, and a final next week, and I'm feeling like... eh.
And in other religiious-right complaints, they feel W. has fallen from his evangelical status because the White House cards say "Happy Holidays".
This controvery just keeps making me laugh and laugh like a stupid person. I mean, talk about priorities being out of whack.
Yeah, I'm full of Teh ...Eh.
Except in this case, the stupid people aren't laughing.