yay for no pukage!
great pictures Sparky1!
ot to criticize any SUV owners here, but this is exactly one of the most annoying things about SUVs. You may be above other people's lights, but SUV lights are shining directly into my face (or rearview mirror).
yup - i know and in the canyon , I can't escape them. You actually wouldn't mind if I was behind you - because I believe in looooonnnnngggg following distances. I technically have little to no depth perception, so I leave as much distance as possible ( drives DH crazy). also I am a nervous driver, so if some is going very slow thru the canyon I make doublely sure that aren't blinded. I actually respect the nervous driver.
And I am now confused about Target. the AFA is boycotting them because they don't use christmas in their ads at this time of year and they don't let the salvation army solict funds.
Beth, what's the AFA? As far as I'm concerned, not using Christmas is a good thing. We get enough of it shoved in our faces by everyone else. And, guess what, not everyone in the US celebrates Christmas. I do, but I think we go to far with rubbing it in everyone elses noses.
I'm just confused by people boycotting stores for not having Christmas stuff. They're arguing for a more commercialized Christmas?
Not beth, but the AFA is the American Family Association [link]
Thanks, not!beth.
Ah, so what the AFA is worried about is that Target isn't showing a united Christian front for them, like all good US companies should. Blargh. Bite me, AFA.
There are a million reasons why we could boycott a store; I think it is just a matter of deciding which issues mean the most to us. I can think of any number of places that I could boycott for the way they treat their employees, but I don't always follow through on it. I will likely continue to shop at Target, despite the fact that I don't agree with this policy. If I hear of an incident where a specific location has refused to fill a perscription (these things tend to end up in the news in RI), I won't go to that location anymore. I was at Target tonight. The cashier who waited on me was in a wheelchair. This isn't something I see very often in a retail environment, and it is something that is very important to me, so I will likely shop at that Target more often. But, I can understand why opinions vary on this issue.
t /rambling post
Ford just bowed to a boycott threat from AFA and pulled all their ads from gay and lesbian magazines. I hope it hurts their business more than if the AFA instituted their boycott.
If it does, it could help solve the SUV glut as well.
It's just, I guess I find it surprising that Target will balk at outward shows of religious identification, yet let their pharmacists dispense based on theirs! Inconsistent, much?