Congratulations on job-finding to Plei, and best of all possible luck adapting to daycare to Lilly and Mom.
Happy half-birthday to Ellie! And the coffee sounds wonderful, Stephanie!
The pharmacist question is so angry-making. The problem is that the US professional organization pharmacists belong to is headed by a woman who not only condones, but encourages pharmacists to refuse to fill BC and EC prescriptions, and probably other medications, as well. Only to women, understand, as men know what they're doing and couldn't possibly need second-guessing or shepherding in making good decisions about their health.
I'm of the Outback opinion--what a good illustration. If you feel morally or religiously unable to serve meat, don't take a job in a steakhouse.
DJ--ow. Nose-healing vibes to you.
I lurve my Venta.
Ooo, we can form a Venta cult!
Man, I just am not grasping the axiom of separation. If anybody gets it and can explain it, please let me know? Otherwise the last two answers on my very last homework for this class may say, "Umm.... I'm not really sure."
The axiom of separation: "separation" always has a "rat" in the middle.
At least that's what they told me in 5th grade. You may be looking for something different.
You made me snort, Calli. What on earth were they trying to demonstrate? When I was in fifth grade, I was told to get all my ducks in order. Also to make sure my harness was fastened tightly around my hips before I jumped off the building.
She is among the wonderfulests.
Thirded - except she went to see Harry Potter without me!
What on earth were they trying to demonstrate?
I think they were trying to stop us from spelling it "separashun".
Jesus: [link]
Chilling story about a girl who reported being raped in Oregon and what happened when the police and judge didn't feel she was acting enough like a victim.
skipped to end, 600+ messages, whew.
Just a question -- would you go out with someone whose online profile described them as "brutally handsome"?
I think I forgot the huzzahs for Plei and {{ for billytea}} and the healingma~~ for DJ.