MG - Matt used to get 90 to 95% return on his resumee. At the worst point it was down to 5%. I'd say he is up to about 30- 40% right now. So yeah - I'd say it is pretty good. The only person I know that is doing better is a friend who is looking far and wide for a job - his wife lost her job about 2 wks after he lost his.
Calli sending my best to add to the vibes you are sending your co-workers family.
Thanks, y'all. She was a good person and I'm glad I got to know her a bit.
They finally did call him back, but no firm interview is set yet. It sounds like the guy who does the hiring is coming here from somewhere else, so they are trying to find a good date and then stack interviews.
Oh, good. I'm glad he called back.
I just got off the phone with my shrink. He's having my page my PCP, even though she's out of the hospital, because he's concerned that my meds aren't staying down.
I'll probably be off to the ER for IV fluids.
Can I have a break now? 'Cause I really, really need it.
At least the fluids may cut the flu down by a couple of days (or so says the shrink).
Poor vw. It's just not letting up this semester.
In algebra-teacher news, he just used "whence" in an email:
...we have ts in T, whence (since T contains no zero-divisors) ts is not a zero-divisor...
He makes me chuckle. I'm going to miss him after the semester is over. Did I tell you all about the nice cheerful pink chalk and the slightly less joyful green chalk?
Fluids not via tummy might be a good plan vw. If it makes the recovery quicker it's worth it. Although I certainly understand why you wouldn't be up to dragging yourself to the hospital.
Sounds encouraging MG. Continuing the ~ma.
I need to send a followup email to the people I interviewed with on Wednesday. How does this sound?
"I wanted to write and thank you for taking the time to interview me on Wednesday about the math position. Also, I realized that I'd been a little unclear about the student teaching requirements of the university, so I checked on that and wanted to let you know. According to the Field Placement Office, [quote from the email which says I wouldn't need a teacher in the classroom with me but would need to be assigned a supervising practitioner who could mentor me].
"If you have any further questions, please let me know or contact the Field Placement Office at [blah]. Thank you again for meeting with me."
Did I tell you all about the nice cheerful pink chalk and the slightly less joyful green chalk?
Not while I was here. Do it!
Oh, uh, that was pretty much it. He was demonstrating how in certain groups the cosets can form subgroups -- so he was filling in a six-by-six table to show that the four three-by-three squares were actually two copies of two blocks, so he was choosing colored chalk to demonstrate this (so that, he said, if you took off your glasses and squinted, you'd only see the subgroups), and came up with... "nice cheerful pink chalk" and "slightly less joyful green chalk."