I feel like crap. How am I ever going to make it through the rest of my classes today?
Actually, I'm skipping my current class, because I have so much left to do on my paper/presentation. Ugh. This is just not my day.
BUT! It's time for more drugs!
I think that in addition to cake, mom's should be able to revisit their pain killer of choice on the anniversary. I'd like an epidural right now.
Tis is a wonderful plan and should be put into effec immediately.
On the one hand, i can't believe Emeline is laready a year old. On te other, I can't believe she's only a year old. Haven't we always had a Princess Emeline teleporting around?
Sorry about te trees, Beverly. Sadmaking.
Mmm, coffee.
Anyone know how to do an MLA citation for a blog?
Sorry vw, am only APA compliant, and even then a blog would challenge me.
Treat it like a regular web page if the specific post has a stable url: [link]
If it doesn't, more like a posting board message: [link]
My MLA handbook is in storage. And predates blogs. Sorry.
t /not helpful
(eta: dude, librarians know everything!)
MLA citation for a blog?
There's no specific rule for blogs as different any other kind of internet citation, for which the rules are here: [link]
If you're quoting a specific post, be sure to use the permalink URL, and if you're referring to the blog as a whole, use the main page. For a typical blog post, a basic format of:
Author. "Title of post". Online Posting. Posting date. Title of blog or site. Date you accessed it.
I think it's goofy that the site title isn't underlined the way a book would be, and there's no absolute standard for insanely long. But hey, it's a big improvement over the previous edition of the MLA handbook, where you just cited things as "Internet" @@
(And flea beat me to it. This is why I'm not really a library employee.)
Crap Crap Crap.
Work is so slow at my job, that they sent some of us home. Without pay of course.
Hi, everybody. Interview went okay. Visited a couple of classrooms, met with the middle school principal as well as the high school. Didn't project confidence as much as I might have liked, but didn't, I think, put my foot in my mouth too badly. The principals are nice and the school is gorgeous and all in all I think I'd really like it, but I think it'll come down to how desparate they are (that is, how many actually experienced teachers are available at this point in the school year). On the upside, it looks like they may be hiring for two positions instead of one, so two times the chances for desperation! Now just a wait-and-see.
And happy birthday to the gorgeous Emeline!