Puppycat does this but I suspect Mal is so much cuter. Also the lack of hair balls.
Hee! Bastet does this too. I also suspect Mal is much, much cuter. And Bastet is pretty darn cute, so that's saying something.
Poor Cass! I can relate. I was up around 2am to get some more cough medicine.
Am up. Must finish writing paper and getting presentation ready. Fortunately (I guess), I'm skipping work today, so I can continue to prepare the paper and presentation this afternoon.
If the cats don't stop crooning at me, I'ma kill 'em. Or lock them into the porch. They woke me NOW, and the wire transfer office isn't open for another hour, and they don't get fed for another hour. And if I don't [expletive deleted] get some more sleep right [expletive deleted] now I'm not going to get remotely enough sleep to cope with life. At. All. There's a(n) [expletive deleted] stupid [expletive deleted] staff meeting this morning at 9:30. These staff meetings are so [expletive deleted][expletive deleted][expletive deleted] boring and useless, but could be made less so if the boss had a clue about economy of language and not rambling on and [expletive deleted] on until her point gets so muddled she might as well not have bothered to [expletive deleted] try making it.
Additionally, I want to [expletive deleted] kill people who think the phrase "and plus" is so expressive that they not only use it in conversation, but also in writing.
{{{Andi}}} You poor thing!
Bad kitties, no breakfast.
Back to bed.
Oh, they had better not go back to bed. I plan to wake them up and chase them around the house every time I see them peacefully sleeping today. Only fair, don't you think?
Can you take pictures? Because I would be all for that.
Can you take pictures
Yes! There must be pictures!
I plan to wake them up and chase them around the house every time I see them peacefully sleeping today. Only fair, don't you think?
Totally fair. We do this all the time, actually.
Meh. Does anyone know how to get a logo off a site when right clicking doesn't give that option, to save the image file?
Nora, highlight the whole page, copy, paste it into a word document, and then pluck out the logo. That's worked for me in the past. If that doesn't work, I'll try if you send me the URL.
I have about 10 minutes to get the kids ready for school. Aaah!