I don't know if they can help, but try calling PayPal:
PayPal Customer Service Agents are available to help you during the following times:
4:00 AM PST to 10:00 PM PST Monday through Friday
Call us toll-free at: 1-888-221-1161
We may only discuss an account with the account-holder. Please have the following information available when you call:
* Your telephone number
* Your email address
* The last 4 digits of your credit card or bank account registered with PayPal
I don't know if they can help, but try calling PayPal
Tried that, Paypal says we some time tomorrow morning to make a wire transfer to the old Bank One account...
I killed the thread. Move along.
I'm pathetic. Pity me. UTI and cold simultaneously.
Dude. SVU's starting in 10 minutes. A
Katrina orphans.
And! He has a stash of
It's like a SciFi channel movie.
Trudy called to specifically make sure I saw it. Come back and tell us how awful it is?
Sorry for the medical woes, Kristin. The plague is bad enough. I can't imagine a UTI on top of it.
I'm just miserable. Waiting for antibiotics now. Would also love it if the not!unrelated fever would also go away. Also want to stop sneezing. And world peace, too.
Don't forget to put a pony on that list, Kristin.
To tell you the truth, I considered a pony and decided against it since I am really not up to mucking out pony poo at the moment. I figured that other people would take care of a sudden onset of world peace.
If you're asking for a pony, you can ask for someone to take care of it. Think big, woman!
SVU: Wait!
Not Katrina orphans. Mom died in Katrina. Dad? Died in