And now for something completely different. Does anybody know whether hairless cats are also dander-less?
They still produce dander. There's a lower chance of an allergic person would be allergic to a hairless cat, but it is by no means guaranteed.
eta: Kitty!!! [link]
First time in almost a week I've been caught up here, and I am just in time to say
to Tommyrot.
IOmemN, I just gave myself a papercut on my thumb, right on the inside of the knuckle.
I wish I hadn't done that.
There are hypoallergenic cats, which are bred to produce lower amounts of dander.
Kitties should have fur. Soft, cuddly fur.
Where are my cats?
Hee! [link]
(although that photo is not helping my cause.)
eta: [link]
OMG, I think it's doing interpretive dance.
Also, I think I want one of those.