Wow, just when I think FEMA can't get any suckier.
Oh no! I usually abbreviate to "Em" for the toddler because I always forget how to spell her name.
I think we should also abbreviate Emmett and Empress to Em.
I can't remember the site where I got my bathrobe (which I LOVE), but this place [link] has terry robes in Navy and Burgundy for $50.
That robe is beautiful, Ginger. If only it was terry cloth I'd buy it in a heart beat.
Thanks for the link Raq. Unfortunately their burgundy robes "fit most" which probaby doesn't include 2X.
ETA: Oh, thanks, EpicTangent. I must have missed that one--it looks like it's right on the mark, thanks!
I have mastered the (ita font)
soft-boiled egg
this morning. It might be my only real accomplishment of my day.
I have ordered the robe! Thanks to the tireless shopping efforts of the Bitches I have ordered a robe of the size, material, color, and price that I needed. In fact, it came in $20 under budget, so I'll be able to pick up a little something for Big Sis's stocking. Yay! [Kermit arm motions]
Thanks everyone!
Sprog as requested. [link]
Paper doll time! [link]
Nick wants a stage look, probably one that he can wear all the time, knowing him. He likes, imo, what I might call funky goth. A little color, a little retro, more than a little metrosexual. He fell in love with a girl's corset-cinched jacket at Hot Topic. He likes tight shirts and tighter pants. He thinks Johnny Depp in From Hell looked good.
Just for fun, if you want to shop for him, and you post links, I'll show him what you've found. He wears a size 0-2 in women's. I have no idea in men's, but small.
Oh, I should tell you that the band name search came to naught, mostly because the band broke up. He's in a new band now, but, thankfully, one with more talented musicians.
Nick's a cutie, Deena. Especially in the shot with his wee sister.
So, I went to bed around 11 last night and there was Em - sleeping sideways on the bed. I picked her up, put her in the crib and went to sleep.
Joe woke up this morning around 4:30 to get ready for work and SHE WAS IN THE BED.
She didn't crawl out of her crib and into our bed on her own - she's too small. But neither of us remember getting her out of her crib.
are you sure that you weren't dreaming the putting her in her crib in the first place? I'm always mixing up reality and dreams when I'm about to sleep.
Reason #486 I should not have children.
She didn't crawl out of her crib and into our bed on her own - she's too small. But neither of us remember getting her out of her crib.
And the littlest Miracleborn perfects teleportation for us!
ION: I have these tremendous, almost ita-worthy bruises all over the inside of my left arm from archery on Sunday. Much as I appreciate my war-wounds, I gotta get me a better guard.
She didn't crawl out of her crib and into our bed on her own - she's too small. But neither of us remember getting her out of her crib.
Maybe the zombies moved her.