Congrats, -t!
I think that any thing that calls itself the Sparkling Laxative is really trying too hard.
Em in the pink octopus outfit (or was it Pink Chthulu?) costume was extra adoreable.
So, shopping experienced Bitches, I come to you for help. My sister has asked for a terry cloth robe in a dark/jeweltoned color, size 2XL. Any suggestions on where to purchase such an item, preferably online and under $50? ($50 per person is my budgetary limit for Christmas this year.) I've tried LL Bean, Eddie Bauer, Lands End, and Lane Bryant. In each case either the size or the color has been a problem. If Big Sis was into pastels I'd be all set, but I sure can't fault her for wanting crimson or forest green. In fact, I tend to buy the same way, and the darker colors look far better on her than on me.
Calli - have you tried looking at men's robes?
have you tried looking at men's robes?
Not really. My sister's kind of hourglass shaped, and I figured men's robes would lead to too much at the waist or unfortunate (or, in my BiL's eyes, fortunate) gapage.
Are men's and women's robes shaped that differently? My current robe is men's and the one before it was women's, and the only differences I saw were in size and fabrics available, not cut.
I read that as crafty mammal. Which is true, of course.
Ninjas are mammals and particularly crafty.
Ninjas are mammals and particularly crafty.
Unless they are of the mutant turtle type.
Calli - You might check at a department store to see compare how men's and women's robes are cut.
Thanks, askye and ita. If I can't find anything online I'll try comparing the men's and women's robe setups. I'm kind of hoping to get all my shopping done via computer this year, since I'm not fond of holiday shopping crowds.
I always thought mens' robes were shorter and womens' longer.
Calli - try
They'll have the sizes, although I don't know if they'll have the colours you want.