vw, I hate your landlord. It's almost December. Perhaps he could, oh, I don't know, CHECK TO MAKE SURE THE HEAT IN HIS UNITS WORKS?
Shit... this means that Emily must have been FREEEEEEZING on Friday. When it was like 9 degrees with the wind chill? (29-32 actual degree high)
I know she was cold yesterday. She told me when she picked me up from the airport.
It's hard to be mad at him when he tried really hard to get someone over here. He offered to pay his usual guy an extra $150 to come over and look at it tonight, and the guy refused.
I called Not!Emily, though, and told him he might want to stay at his parents an extra night.
OK... here's how we work it. I'll be mad at him from far away, so you don't have to be.
t faces southward
grrrr... grrrrr.....
Ok. Sounds like a good plan.
Uh, usual guy schmusual guy--if it's not warm in your apartment, he needs to get someone. There are laws about heat, and for a reason. If his usual guy can't do it he needs to get someone else, or legally he may be required to put you up in a hotel, or you can withhold rent. Etc, etc. Which, I know people don't like to piss of the landlord by doing that, but saying "oh, my usual guy can't do it even though it's been two days of cold"? Not acceptable.
But, he brought a space heater?
Is the space heater keeping it warm enough in the apartment?
I mean, I don't know the Boston laws, but here in DC (which granted, has darn good tenant laws) the landlord is required to turn on the heat by a certain day, and keep the apartment heated to a certain temperature. By law.
The MA laws is that on from September 15 - June 15 the apartment has to be 68 degrees during the day and 64 degrees at night.
It is getting warmer with the space heater. I think we'll be ok.
He offered to pay his usual guy an extra $150
Yeah, I was going to say he could buy you a hotel room with that $150. I mean, you've got a respiratory infection and you're in a cold apartment? Not the best combination. Hopefully you're managing with the space heater.
Skipped a bunch to shamelessly pimp my daughter. Including pictures of The Monkeypants.