On the plus side, it forced her to get glasses which, yay, glasses.
Always a silver lining.
Glad to hear that your Thanksgiving was so nice, Gris.
Am about to go dip myself in hot water.
And to complete the randomness of this post, I think the airport flipflopped the approach and takeoff paths. They usually only do that for weather and we aren't having any of that.
FORGOT!?!? Poor pets! I'm glad there was water.
And, wow, I have to say that the headphones thing has made me not want to shop at VS. I mean, what's next? If a customer says "just looking" and leaves without buying anything, does the salesclerk get an electric shock?
Lair-ma for juliana! Any of those places sound great.
We went over to a friend's for dinner last night. Mallory's first social visit. He was great - played with the friend's kid's toys and didn't fuss. The host remarked, as everyone does, that Mal is extremely self-possessed. I guess that's good.
I'm a little worse for the wear, as we did the Greek thing of continual toasting to everything. DH doesn't drink, so it falls to me. I drank about a liter of water when we got home, but this morning's still been a hard start.
La v-dub is OK. They nebulized her and did a chest X-ray, which showed nothing interesting, and sent her home. They figure she's got a cold. She has a prescription for cough syrup.
This isn't our record for fastest ER visit, but it's really close -- it was way unbusy tonight. I only got through a Dan Radcliffe profile in Time (his best friend is 39, which is depressing because "he'll probably die first"), the letters and Talk of the Town of the New Yorker (being a New Orleans car salesman transplanted to Montana sucks rocks), and two Sudoku puzzles before they called me in to see her, and only one more Sudoku before we left. Which is a relief. She'll check in tomorrow, but I'm sending her off to bed.
Good thing it was nothing worse. And Yay! for short ER visit.
Thank you for the update, Emily. Glad to hear the trip was on the quicker side.
How are you doing tonight?
Lair-ma for juliana!
This. And I adore the phrase too.
Did you have any luck on the tux? Or was today more of a recovery from a fabulous but very boozy dinner last night?
Are we looking at the same IM client? I've got Yahoo up. Can swap to AIM if needed.