This is a strange day. I have worked in the garden, caught up on TIVO, and read a lot of stuff on -- _ motto : A man is not a finacail plan. They are all about educating women ( or people in general) about finances. I got my first tip from thier website. I know we don't spend like crazy people. But I know there are places where we could budget better. and something I read on the site seemed like pure genius to me. Instead of writting everything down ( which drives me bonkers) just pick a catagory or two and keep track of them. This we can do.
I think we are starting with food and entertainment. Those are often combind catagories for us anyway. I am looking forward to this in a wierd way.
I'm home! It's so good to be home. I wish my puppy was here. Also, I feel like crap.
Question for my Bitches. I seem to be (whitefonted for the squeamish)
coughing up blood.
Also, there is
blood in my snot.
Also, my peak flow is 250, when it should be more like 450.
This can't wait till Monday, can it?
I'm not thinking that waiting is a good idea, bug. At least call the ER or Urgent Care.
I am so very sorry that we are sisters in this. Though my coughs haven't
brought up much of anything besides little bits of yellow. Yay bronchitis babies in my lungs
No, vw, it can't. Do like Cass says and call the ER or Urgent Care.
vw, the snot thing could be from dried out nasal passages (I'm getting this A LOT lately). But anytime you're coughing up blood, I'd at least put in a call to a doctor or go to urgent care.
No urgent care around here. Just the ER. Do you think it can at least wait till tomorrow? I'm SO tired. Maybe sleep will help?
vw, I understand the tired, but I really don't think I'd sleep on a problem like that. It might only get worse if you're lying flat--your breathing could get considerably worse.
I'm worried enough to suggest immediate er visit.
Yeah, the coughing
is what worries me. My nose has been wickedly dry so the
snot has been having blood off and on
for the last week.
Talk with your doctor and I hope you can get some rest soon.
Good, vw. Keep us posted. I hope it's nothing and you can get to bed and get your rest.