I'm at my Mom's and have cable and am watching The American Muscle Car and today is Corvettes and Cass doesn't. like. stingrays. but I love her nonetheless.
Oh! And I'm eating a turkey sammich on REALLY good rye bread. That's one of my favorite family traditions, buying the killer bread for the next day. I pitty people without bakery access on this day above all others.
I think I'll go to Costco, see Harry Potter, and then clean some stuff, then come home and have ANOTHER Thanksgiving dinner that can't beat.
I wasn't the one that posted the Jake picture (I think it was Kat). I'd thought it was this one, but apparently not, so I need to go back and find hers.
Ah, Megan, this would be bliss. No. I'm just still stoned on turkey and typoing.
Costco shows movies??
Nah. But they have a Corporate Time Machine, which allows them to buy Harry Potter DVDs in the future and transport them to the present....
There is absolutely nothing they could offer to get me to go to Costco today, or any other shopping establishment for that matter. I did stop at the grocery store.
Tom - how are you feeling? Is the achey body feeling better?
I have puggle concerns.
I know pugs. I know beagles. The two personality types making mixy?
I have puggle concerns.
Tom - how are you feeling? Is the achey body feeling better?
I'm feeling much less achey, but am still feeling fatigued for some reason, so I've been doing some heavy-duty napping. Also, I'm looking forward to getting tomorrow's MRI behind me so we'll have a better idea what's going on in my head....
Our Thanksgiving was ... odd. House full o' people and food, but everyone cleared out by around 9:30PM, which is
of at our holiday things. Plei and Paul (and Tickybox!) turned up just as the last four guests were leaving. Between everyone clearing out early and my hormones trying to convince me that no one would notice if I quietly vanished, it was a weird day. Both Pete & I are still kinda 'meh'.
Today involves doing dishes, the last of the post-party clean-up, and then maybe some sewing projects.