Andi and I went nontraditional today. Last night I put a pork roast in the 5qt crockpot with some seasoning, a few shakes of teriyaki marinade and two peeled large yellow onions.
Since Andi had to work at 2pm today, we had lunch a little after 1 pm. Along with the pork roast, I made up some simple veggies. For one, some Green Giant cauliflower, broccoli and pearl onions together, then Andi slathered them with real butter before we ate. Also some saucy spinach was on the menu, coming out of a frozen tub, no salt necessary.
Added to that, we had one of the last remnants from my garden, a small acorn squash, again to be slathered with butter.
I set the dining room table with a single candle on a brass stand, polished dinnerware, and the nicest of my bachelor corelleware.* The candle was an accent to the carnations I bought for Andi a while back, sitting in the blue glass vase.
Since we did not have any wine, and really don't need the sugar, an approximation was found using Diet Rite™ Black Cherry soda in glassware.
It was nice little meal; we said grace, tucked in, and I kissed Andi goodbye as she went off to work.
Sigh, and it's still 2 more hours until she returns.
ETA: *Yes, we're going to replace them, hopefully soon.
Hell, Daniel, I've still got Corelleware (or its outlet mall equivalent, whatever.) The stuff is cheap and nearly indestructable. Great around my daughter, trust me.
Everything was a huge hit. I tried to get away without the mashed potatos, but my daughter insisted it wasn't Thanksgiving without them. Even if the candied sweet potatos are her favortite. My brother gave me his highest compliment and said my cranberry sauce was as good as our mother's. Now, I'm stuffed to the point I don't want to see food for two days. Blargh.
Thanks for the house~ma, guys. I think Nora and Tom scared us off from looking for a little while, but our apartment building just sold so we've started again and it's very exciting.
??? I didn't mean to scare you! Was it because of my paranoia? But house~ma to you!
It's okay, Nora. I'm easily startled when it comes to doing things I consider adult behaviour. Thanks for the house~ma!
Daniel, that sounds like a great thanksgiving. I made two things that are traditional on my side of the family and two things that are traditional on Greg's side of the family. It was kind of nice.
Oh, Deena. That house is lovely. I hopehopehope, that if you decide you want it, that it'll be yours. House~ma!!
I was supposed to go over to a friend's house to play with babies and set up a Christmas tree but I'm all tuckered out after a day with family. Think I'll stick with wine and listening to thirty second snippets of songs on iTunes tonight.
I think I'm totally burnt on the 70s show. I've been enjoying it, but I want something different, now. I think it's time for a bath, with a little Lush and some Angel comics.
House-ma, Deena! How gorgeous.
I'm still at the Miracleborn's. Mmmmm, food...mmmmm, friends....mmmm, pie...
Thank you for all the Thanksgiving wishes, all. Backatcha.
House-ma to you Deena!
We had a very good dinner, with as much laughing and snark as you might expect with this group. Everyone but Lori, Polgara, Sarameg and I are already asleep, and I suspect I shall be soon. All in all, a
Good Day.
I forgot to say earlier--I got to meet Sarameg finally. Yay!.
Cindy - you are a sweetheart.
I did go to my cousin's. I ploped in a corner and spent most of the day crocheting. I ate a bit and it was delicious. My temperature hovered just under 100 most of the day, so I still feel like crap.
C went to her father's for t-day. I got a text message from her mid afternoon that said something like "It's not Thanksgiving without a drunk dad". Even though we were 2+ hours from home (3 hours from her) I called her and asked if she needed us to come get her. She said no, she would have dad's fiance drive her home if it got too bad. Well, she was home by 4pm. Her boyfriend came and picked her up so she would not have to be by herself, but she is due home anytime now.
House~ma to Deena - that place looks fantastic!
I hope everyone else here had a great day with lots of good eats and better company.
Went to a friend's parents'--a gorgeous house on a hill in Brentwood, where we got to watch the sun set as we ate. I was just the six of us and it was a very relaxed dinner, with great conversation and the KICK ASS potato/portobello gratin that my BF made. Got home early enough to slounge around and catch up on TV. I am wearing my new flannel pajamas which not only have a goofy/cool "sock monkeys doing fun things" design all over them, but I got to put them on warm from the dryer, so I am in heaven.
I hope all of you had a day which made you happy.