There is not enough coffee in the world. Yes, I am up for the day. Cab will be here at 4am.
Wow there really isn't...
I am hopefull that I am not awake for much longer. Mom came down today and the uncles are in town. I got my instructions on what to bring for dinner just past two this afternoon and, wow, am I trying to remember that I like my aunt for creating the need to hit a grocery store this afternoon. Uncles, mom and I did dinner. I am tired and overwhelmed already. It's gonna be a long holiday season this year.
It's just that I'm not doing well in crowds these days. Shopping last-minute the afternoon before Thanksgiving made for a twitchy afternoon.
Tomorrow should be kinda nice though.
I'm going to be optomistic.
Good. Optimism is good.
And shopping last minute made me twitchy too. And I only needed lettuce.
On my way to Trader Joe's, I got a call asking if I could also get the wine for the boys to bring tomorrow too, so at least I didn't feel like I was going through all of the stress just for some veggies to dip. Buying Thanksgiving wine for between 12-17 people (I don't know how many of them are too young) was fun. Especially spending someone else's money and getting fabulous deals.
And I ended up having one of those kinda important talks with my mom after we got back from dinner. I wasn't sure how she'd take the news of some of my plans for myself in the coming year. But she was wonderfully supportive and she is wonderful and amazing.
Now I am watching kittenish leap onto the top of the closet inbetween racing up and back the hall. And hoping that Benedryl will slay my sneezes.
Sweet snoozes to all, and to all a festive feast.
Goodbye, my loves! I'm off to Chicago, and the land of no Internets. Have a great weekend!
Oh yeah. Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I had Indian, with both beef
chicken andra. It was very good.
Now I'm tempted to have some roast turkey over the weekend. Now I'm back in Australia I can buy real cranberry sauce, instead of the canned stuff.
Happy Thanksgiving, USians!
The local grocery store actually has fresh turkeys, grown at the American Farm School. However, I am baking a ham instead, because Devil Baby Needs a Ham.
Our holiday: play tennis with ambassador. Return home to write speech for ambassador/play with baby. Eat. Game. Contemplate going to see Harry Potter.
I did take a few cases of beer and soda over to another American's house, as there's a Navy ship in port and this person is hosting ~30 sailors for Thanksgiving.
as there's a Navy ship in port and this person is hosting ~30 sailors for Thanksgiving.
I know there's a joke in there somewhere.
Foody cereal -
So I've ended up cooking Thanksgiving dinner for my neighbour, because I'm so soft in the head. Is there a traditional recipe for butternut squash mash?