Job interview next week. Go me! I was beginning to think I'd never get another.
It's a UW job, but at an off-campus location, so no commuting with DH. Unless he gets the job at the Christian college, in which case we wouldn't be all that close together (opposite sides of Queen Anne Hill), but would be on the same bus route, so we could in theory go in together, park at whoever's office offers the cheapest employee parking, and have the other person hop on the bus.
Sorry, Suzi, I suck at hair advice, and I went to do some work... which isn't yet done. Aaagh!
But it's almost time to go get babies off the bus. Damn, the mornings go by way too fast.
My little miss the tonsorial clarion call.
I need some reminders that I can make it through the day.
Just had a tough, and I mean TOUGH, meeting with the prof about my paper. I think it went ok, but it was so emotionally draining that I don't have much left.
I'm at work now. I skipped class, because my meeting with prof went long, and I knew I'd have a pile of stuff a mile high on my desk (which I do). Ugh, ugh, ugh.
Will not cry. Will not cry. Will not cry.
it's OK, vw. you'll get through this, and it will all come out OK in the end.
vw, it'll be okay. Those kind of meetings where you're holding all the emotions in? You still need to relieve the adreneline rush it gives you. Have you got a task which will keep you moving? Something to work off all the energy you've got held in?
What can we do to help, vw?
Deena, I love hearing Kara and Aidan stories. They are both so funny.
Ellie is now napping and the researchers have left. The study is about post-partum weight loss so they asked me a million questions about stress, diet, and exercise. They took my height and weight and gave me $30. I get another $20 if I answer some questionnaires they left and $30 for wearing this exercise monitor next week. I certainly wouldn't do it *for* the money, but it's always nice to have a little bit extra. It's also sort of fun to have company, even if it's two people I don't know. Oh, and they played with Ellie some (while observing her) and left her a cute little teething ring.
eta: vw, sorry about the tough meeting but I hope it was beneficial.
Have you got a task which will keep you moving? Something to work off all the energy you've got held in?
Well, I need to figure out how to do animation in PowerPoint. Does that count? Why do I tell people I know how to do things that I don't know how to do????
What can we do to help, vw?
Magically make it 6:30?