I've been up for an hour and a half. I have done all of my dishes (huge!), changed the cat box (we are transitioning to a new litter), feeded the cats, took out the recycling, took out the trask, prepped the coffee maker and made some tea. I shall drink the tea now, go back to sleep for a while, then coffee...
Yay for Aimee and Joe's new alien eye computer. The pictures were lovely.
And San Diego has a mayor! I really don't know if either candidate was stellar, but if they can have the same person for a bit that has to be an improvement.
The guy I voted for, won. I think he will be the best choice for the city at this time. Hell of a lot more conservative than I am, but fiscally, I actually am a conservative and fiscal is our issue currently.
I am actually shocked he won. I thought the surfer write-in chick had the "protest" vote. Which, while there is a time for protest, there is also a time to just fix the damn problem and not hire someone whose resume is highlighted by surfing or bazillion grossing movies.
Also, with our new strong mayor theory, he is really the guy for the job right now. Color me pleased (it's beige with a little blush and some shimmer when you catch the light right).
Very disturbing crosspost:
Am I the only one here who missed the news that Don Adams died in September?
beth b:
I knew and promtly forgot. which annoys me , because I wasn't as invovled as I planned to be. But i am very happy.
Yay for the successful launch of the Sooper Seekrit MM and Aimée Project! Also, I
Kristin's redhead look is quite nice, but really more pictures are needed, just to be sure.
Nope. Not a dream. It's still here.
And it got the baby dressed.
I haven't had
this nice!!
We get to see Aimee in the morning! What a treat!
New Not!Emily was up all night writing a paper. On his way out the door, he brought a couple of dishes that he'd collected overnight in his room to the kitchen. Then he told me he'd be having a friend over for dinner tonight. I suppose I should probably clear off all the dishes on the stove then, huh? That'd be a nice roommate of me, right?
Poor guy, though! Can't believe he's having company after being up all night. I'd just want to sleep!
Yay for happy Empress and MM.
Um, Z & I are getting divorced. I've promptly put the wheels in motion for my move to SF. I hope none of the SFers take it amiss when I saw this is the worst possible thing that could be happening to me right now. I'll probably be doing some heavy leaning and asking for guidance in the next few weeks. "Being that I flow in grief, the smallest twine may lead me."
Thanks, y'all.
OMG. {{{{juliana}}}} I'm so sorry. Lean away.
{{{juliana}}} I'm so sorry, love. We're here.
Juliana... My thoughts and most comforting~ma for you. This is just a hard thing. I am glad you have someplace to focus your energy in getting ready to move to SF...
I am just so sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sure that my phone calls turned the tide in the CA election, though. All my crip magic... ;)
And it got the baby dressed.
Does it walk the dog, too, Aimee? Cause that would be cool.