It's ok. It saddens me, but I've pretty much already worked through the prospect. It seems to be hitting Bec harder.
It is sad. I'm glad you are doing well. In my (limited, but not just me) experience, it goes back and forth with the hard hitting.
I saw otters up close just by renting one of the kayaks
I have a kayak in my garage, now I just need to get up to Monterrey Bay...
Pink, renegade, shellfish-bashing, terrorist otters! Sooooo cute.
I saved the show. There was only a moment of snakeness in it so it shouldn't shew my dreams if I watch it to go to sleep. Well not towards snakes, hopefully towards shockingly cute otters.
Don't worry too much about the holidays
It's not a huge worry, but I really should've brought it up this afternoon. I'd be annoyed at me, if I were on the other side of the desk. But, "You should know about my Christmas plans first" was completely blown out of my mind by, "Dude, you're only offering me X? I am so not taking a pay cut from what I last made at this esteemed institution."
Only not worded like that, or I doubt there would still be an offer on the table...
The levy to fund Aidan's program passed!!!
I was worried because the Cleveland paper reported the issue all wrong. It passed! It passed! They retain their funding!
Woot! I like the election news so far. The Dems got the governor wins in Virginia and NJ too.
And now that I have the results, I'm going to bed. Am so tired.
Love you guys. Night.
Yay Deena! I am so glad that Aidan's program is saved.
I think I voted against something worthwhile today but there were two similar things and one was good and one was bad and they didn't have full texts. So I voted no twice. I am bad.
It's not a huge worry, but I really should've brought it up this afternoon.
There was a lot to go over this afternoon, I think dealing with it tomorrow is going to be fine.
The levy to fund Aidan's program passed!!!
I have a kayak in my garage, now I just need to get up to Monterrey Bay...
I think we're going with my niece & nephew on New Year's Day.
Anyone have one of those Amazon code thingys? I always forget to ask and then the next day after I order nine of you mention it.