Sounds like Bones has improved since the pilot, eh?
I think so. It's not appointment TV, by any means, but I really like how the supporting characters have been fleshed out. And Boreanaz (who is still 100% lickable) is finally seeming like someone other than Angel-with-really-good-sunscreen.
But it's still anvilly, Sail is right. I just got blindsided by it tonight.
I thought about you when watching the reports about your mayoral dramas. Very entertaining, when it's not your city.
Did they say we were too stupid and careless to even have a city? Because I'm thinking that is the case. Like getting a goldfish when you are young and forgetting to feed it, so it ends up floating. That's what we've done with our city...
Hey! Not like that at ALL...San Diego isn't stinky.
Oooh, just saw a preview for "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe." I can't wait to see it!
But, Cass! San Diego has a long and distinguished career of recalling mayors! They did it the last time I was there (over 13 years ago) and they've got the taste for it, now. I'm not going to tell them to stop having fun.
Ooh. Conservative Christians HATES me in your dreams, yes they do!
The funny thing was, she wasn't crazy insane (which was why I was even having the conversation), but she was listing it as just one more piece of evidence of the harm liberals have done to our society that you and somebody else -- maybe Sophia? -- while working so hard were also juggling dangerous drug habits. Alas, the spaghetti distracted me before I could reply. Or else I became Jim Ellison, stringing lace around the posts of the central staircase of an 80-story castle.
Hey! Not like that at ALL...San Diego isn't stinky.
We have Tiajuana at the border, it keeps the stink for us.
Sail, we really do have historical mayoral issues... I had forgotten about that. I just am boggled that we voted in a strong mayor system a year ago and now we can't settle on a mayor. We're like a shallow trophy wife town that is all shiny veneers and fake boobs.
Poor San Diego. I don't envy those that are charged with the task of putting the pieces back together. You'd think it would be tough to so completely self-destruct a city with so much going for it.
The Jango Fett/Darth Vadar exchange just about killed me. Too. Cute.
ION, and I say this very very quietly so as not to jinx it, I think I may have found an awesome place to live. Shhhh....lots of hurdles before it's a done deal, and one of them is that I can't move until December 1st, which is technically past my deadline...
You really would but we've certainly messed this city up beyond ken.
Yay! I hope it works out for you, Kristin.