Well, at least there was cake for you, MG.
I baked my own cheesecake for my birthday, too. Mom's had chemo, so I can't really fault her for not getting in the kitchen and baking me a potpie, bitch! cake. Still, going home for a post-birthday dinner and being sent into the kitchen on a baking mission was unexpected. It really shouldn't have been, I suppose.
Wanna know the best part about having brownie sundaes for dinner? There are left-over brownies for breakfast. Mmmmmm...
The next generation hitches a ride out on the cat's feces, which are ingested by rats to start the cycle over again.
If rats would only stop eating cat feces, none of this would happen....
If rats would only stop eating cat feces, none of this would happen....
This is just another heartless example of blaming the victim. Oh sure, it's popular these days to say, 'If they're eating cat faeces, don't they pretty much deserve everything they get?' But think about it from the rat's point of view. They can't vomit. Who
do you want eating the cat faeces?
This is just another heartless example of blaming the victim.
Plus, you know, they shouldn't really be wearing those revealing outfits....
Plus, you know, they shouldn't really be wearing those revealing outfits....
You better not be picking on the naked mole rats now. I'ma step up and introduce you to the five fingers of enlightenment.
Ugh, y'all. Little too much for morning's first blush, I gotta say.
Yes, I look at photos of decomp sometimes. But that's a work thing.
I'm a lady, goddamn it.
You better not be picking on the naked mole rats now.
As long as they keep it to the privacy of their burrows - you don't see naked mole rats throwing themselves at cats, do you?
Wait, maybe you do....
Can I just say hooray for the government today, who sent me my piddly tax refund so that arrived this morning right while I was scrambling around trying to find a way to get an extra fifty bucks or so into my account before my gym payment comes in and overdraws? $83.50, baybee, and my (immediate) problems are solved.
How do I get myself into these spots?
Luckily GWB was there to get you out!