Teppy, I think you'd like Justine better now. It's all sex and mysteries and cabals and such.
I can certainly imagine proving that God exists and is a right bastard
That's Norman Mailer's famous quote in
The Naked and the Dead.
"If there is a God, he's a son of a bitch."
Vw - you probbably have 'til the end of the week before everything truely subsides with the inhaled steroids. - Just keep trying to go back to school, but accept that you might have to give up and go home. and Honestly, it was well over a month before I wasn't useing the abuteral at all.
Teppy, I think you'd like Justine better now. It's all sex and mysteries and cabals and such.
....in a sexy, nighttime telly sort of way?
t /Izzard
....in a sexy, nighttime telly sort of way?
Well, I think so, but I think Durrell is pretty readable. I love stuff set in Colonial Northern Africa.
Of course, Durrell turned out to be supremely fucked up (in the Anne Sexton manner) but I don't hold that against his fiction.
In some people, it's sort of a creative asset.
Between Justine and The Sheltering Sky, I concluded that Northern Africa is full of really fucked-up people.
Between Justine and The Sheltering Sky, I concluded that Northern Africa is full of really fucked-up people.
That's the
part. It's good for the fiction. Of course, we're speaking mostly of the ex-pats of the 30s-50s. Not the locals who probably weren't particularly fucked up.
Thanks beth, that's a little encouraging.
Jen, yeah, I'm feeling some better, but not 100%...hence being back home now. Yesterday went pretty well, so I thought maybe I was in the clear, but I guess not.
Oppression fucks you up. Just not in sexy glamorous ways.
Teppy, I think you'd like Justine better now. It's all sex and mysteries and cabals and such.
And yet we're not talking about de Sade's Justine, right? This is some other Justine?