It comes down to I love my mom dearly and think she is very wise on a lot of things. This one we disagree on and neither is going to sway the other, so we don't try.
This is solid, respectful, loving policy. I embrace it myself on any number of topics.
My positve energy annoyance didn't spring into existance overnight, you know. In fact, it is one of those very 'don't trys'.
oh, and fwiw, I should be utterly paralyzed by rhumatoid arthritis
t hugs stupidpaper tight
Emily, I think we're good.
Wait, Trudy knows how to get men to make love for days on end?
Against their wills, Papa, against their wills!
Yeah. I'm thinkin' I'm screwed.
Yeah. I'm thinkin' I'm screwed.
No, it's masturbation that leads to RA. Screwing is some other affliction.
And, just to clarify because I started feeling bristle-y, mom isn't in a FAC. She's just happily wuwu and it works for her.
I just got slammed by the sleepies so I might just take a nap now.
jen's mom is wonderful. I adore her.
you should nap, jen, there's a race in an hour
I kind of wish I was still breastfeeding, so I could see if Mallory turned bright orange also
Hee. I love Raq.
The annoying news is, my (free magic comes out of the wall) cable went out on Friday. It's done that before (I've lived here over two years) but always came back on in like, a day or so. Still not back on. The good news is, I still had a pair of rabbit ears, and with them, can manage to get my important shows (ANTM! Veronica Mars! Grey's Anatomy!) even if I wont' be able to watch endless repeats of Law and Order (sigh! sniff!)
I'm currently debating whether it's worth it to call up and get cable when I'd not only have to pay for it, and pay to have it installed, but I am possibly leaving this apartment in a little over two months (lease is up Jan 31, not sure what'll happen after that).
{{Jilli and Pete}} so sorry to here about the dread Beast
happy birthdy aCaBil - a day late.
I think I had my first mamogram at 39 - my doc has me on a two year schedual - just enough cancer in the family that it made sense.
and now for the scary story:
my sister is a year younger than I am . at 38/39 her best friend was diaagnosed with breast cancer. very Serious. After he masectomy, she decided against most therapys - because IF she survived the chances were high that she was going get cancer again - and one you use a particular therapy - it is less effective if needed in the future. T has just realized - it looks like shes going to live for a while, so you gets to make some future plans.