That's a beautiful coat, Emily.
that people would hear about FAS and conclude that if many drinks could do that, then even one must be bad.
And conversely, if people hear it's okay to have a drink or two a week, they might conclude it's okay to have a drink or two an hour. Moderation is hard for some people.
Emily, that coat is lovely. I can picture Betsy beating your mother up and taking it.
Either the fact anyone got born healthy before 2000 is a miracle, or people are being overcautious because you don't want to be the *one* person who killed or maimed her baby by eating a slice of baloney and sipping a beer.
There's a book out that I didn't buy, but flipped through in the pregnancy section, basically about taking the paranoia out of pregnancy, and suggesting that women not blindly give up everything under the sun. Of course, the OB who wrote it was a guy.
(Things I had before I knew I was pregnant, for the record: sushi, cold cuts, undercooked eggs, sangria, a lot of coffee, and a small amount of tequila.)
I can picture Betsy beating your mother up and taking it.
Um, thanks?
My first pregnancy, I spent a month painting shelves with enamel before I knew I was pregnant. Second pregnancy, I had a high fever (strep throat) in the first trimester. Both kids turned out fine. But man, did I worry, both times.
follows link
begins making plans to beat Emily's mother up
{{{Jilli}}} I'm so sorry. So so sorry.
{{Jilli}} Peace~ma to the Dread Beastie and all my sympathy to you.
Jilli, how awful. I'm so sorry.
Oh, Jilli! I'm so sorry! He was well-loved, and I have no doubt he loved you back.
Oh, Jilli. I am just so sorry for your loss. Goodbye Beastie, you were loved even from afar...
I'm so sorry for your loss Jilli.