Hi! I just had a full-scale meltdown at the doctor's, whee!!
Okay, it's in pursuit of a good thing, but still. I went in to talk about 1) my cough, 2) a scrip for Ativan, and 3) neuro testing because there is still fallout from the accident. When we got to 3) and I told her that my psych is worried that somehting slipped through the cracks and that I'm still getting the icepick stabby feeling in my right temple, she looked worried and not only said I needed to get the neuro ASAP, but that I probably also need an MRI. Which then prompted the meltdown, because I am so fucking scared and worried and stressed and angry about the ramifications from this accident.
Luckily my doc is very sweet and warm and she let me blubber and spoke in calming tones, but man, that was intense.
Anyway. No punctuation needed, but booze gratefully accepted. (Oooh, what *is* the Ativan/booze combo like?)
Try not to worry too much about the MRI. They're really not too bad. Although, if you can get it done with an open MRI as opposed to the standard kind, that's much more comfortable, especially if you're claustrophobic at all.
The commas, they are all mine!
Suzi, you've had more than your share of the bad. This is just a great big backlog of good that's been held up by customs, or some such.
(Oooh, what *is* the Ativan/booze combo like?)
It's sweeeeet, maaaaannnnnnn....
(Yes, I've done it. It's not actually recommended by healthcare professionals, and therefore I will not recommend it. However, it's Mellow City.)
Oh, I'm notsomuch worried about the MRI, it's the fact that I need one, one year after the face-smashy. But thank you.
However, it's Mellow City.
But is it as nice as Le Isle du Percocet?
Don't worry too much about the MRI; I eventually had one just to rule out anything serious being wrong. If you have a lot of headaches, they want an MRI to make abolutely sure there's nothing funny happening in your soft tissues. The odds are they won't see a thing but brain.
Maidengurl, boo on the cold but yay! on the job front!
No punctuation needed, but booze gratefully accepted.
Wish I could slide you a drink, sweetie. And boy do I hear you on Le Isle du Percocet. That's a nice place to visit.
The odds are they won't see a thing but brain.
Plus the occasional penny shoved up the nose as a child.
I'll join in the no-worries-about-the-MRI chorus. Here, have a drink.
Raq! Congratulations on the job! I am sure you are going to find that a lot of stuff comes back to you in no time. Easy transition~ma.
Those shoes are nasty. And someone would pay $150 for those?
I agree, but sadly I think I know people who would not only pay the money for them but would actually wear them.
She was so sweet this morning. C is spending the weekend with her father and I probably won't see her before he picks her up this afternoon. I headed out to work late and she came downstairs early so I got hugs and a few minutes of her/me time. As I headed out the door, she said "I'll miss you, love you".
Awww. Much tutition ~ma.
SHE IS COMING BACK ON MONDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yay, MG!!!
"Suzi is a value to the client. The program would be lost without her knowledge and understanding" and "It was nice to see Suzi release some of her workload to others in an attempt to the get the priority things done. This is the first step to becoming a leader."
And another yay for you!
It makes me scared for what is going to happen next. I've had too much of the good day crack recently. The other shoe is bound to fall.
Shhh. Don't tempt the universe. You deserve the good days you've been having.
Much ~ma juliana. I wish I could buy you a drink.