My step-mother recently mailed a box to me containing all the research clippings and notes my dad had collected for a book. I wish she hadn't, as the way things get lost in the APO...but that's not the point. The point involves camels.
I have learned that there were camels in New Mexico at the turn of the (last) century. Apparently the Army imported a bunch of them, and a camel trainer, from Egypt, and set about using them instead of horses between Texas and California. This is mid-1800s. They were brilliant, but the Civil War happened and the project was cancelled, and the camels were released into the wild.
What really pinged my imagination was the Egyptian camel trainer, who left his home, came to the Territories, and never returned.
In the case your phone does go off, please set the ring to a song that doesn't degrade humanity.
Almare, I have deep, textually-based love for your librarian.
ETA: I'm sorry your family's going through such a rough period, Aimée. I'm sure that having you there will be very helpful, even for stoic folks who might not seem to need help.
(No surprise here) But I wonder if the camels thrived or died out?
(No surprise here) But I wonder if the camels thrived or died out?
Perhaps they wander the desert in a happy band, scaring the heck out of drunken tourists searching for aliens.
pictures a camel painting a false tunnel on the rock wall
Good luck!
There were apparently camel sightings into the 1900s.
Dear all of you who kicked my wife in her insecurity in the name of the bullshit you call "tough love,"
Burn in motherfucking hell, you fuckheads.
Um? Is this directed at people on the thread?