"Thank you Madam, the agony is sensibly abated."
Gotta love a kid whose first utterance contains an adverb.
Ugh. Feeling all kinds of gronky and grumpy. Somehow have to pull it together, because I can't afford to miss two days of editing in a row and I have to clean the house a bit because we have a babysitter coming tomorrow so I can go to my job interview.
Where and when are you going, Aimee?
offers $1,000,000 to anyone who wants to go to Michigan for me
I will go, if you send someone to fix my satelite dish. No charge required.
Question, though. Why?
offers $1,000,000 to anyone who wants to go to Michigan for me
When? I might be able to cover for you, and no payment necessary, I'll take good vibes from the sunny west in trade.
"Hi, I'm the Canadian ambassador to Miraclebornia. The Empress has come down with a chronic case of Smiteyoumofos and I'm here so that you may live and continue to pay proper tribute in adoration to the Princess. I'd get on with the adoring if I were you."
Oooooh, I want JohnSweden to be the Canadian ambassador to my life.
Aimee, it will be good to see them.
offers $1,000,000 to anyone who wants to go to Michigan for me
I live in Utah. Michigan does not frighten me.
Oh goody! You all are going to Ypsilanti tonight. You'll be staying at my grandparents house and deal with my wreck of a mother, stoic to the point of creepy grandmother, and dying grandfather. Thank you for enabling my denial. If *I* don't go to Michigan, he'll get better.
Have fun!!
t makes grumpy/sad face and keeps making packing list
My sister, Em and I leave tonight at 10:30. BUH-LAH.
Someone's cell phone just went off in here. It played "Tusk." Being a library, everyone turned and glared silently. The librarian, whom you would expect to say, "Shush!" Instead replied, "Oh for the love of... This is a library. Please turn off all cell phones. In the case your phone does go off, please set the ring to a song that doesn't degrade humanity."
Way to kill the thread, babe.
t /speaking to myself