Omigod! The cuteness!! It's TOO MUCH.
Continued Halloween report: a small hockey player and his younger brother (costume unrecognized by me); a page and then later two nuns (seemed at the upper age limits for trick or treating -- but we must get rid of the candy) and a knight.
It's raining now and we have less than ten minutes of trick-or-treating left.
It's raining now and we have less than ten minutes of trick-or-treating left.
There is a trick-or-treating curfew?
There's a curfew here -- "official" trick-or-treating time is six to eight. And Stephen said when he and Ben went back out, porch lights started going off shortly after eight.
Cutie peapod!
So far we've just had one trick-or-treater, a boy in a horror movie-type mask. I looked to see if Annabel was scared, but she had her best intrigued-yet-playing-it-cool expression. A look I've seen many, many a time on my dad and VCOB.
Time to get her changed into costume.
Susan, on the late-talkers thing: I didn't really talk much until pretty late. I said "mama," "dada," some approximation of my sister's name, and "more." And that was it. Then, around 22 months, suddenly started talking in complete sentences. The first thing I said that wasn't just a single word was "Watch out for the dog doo." Never went through any of the things with two-word or three-word sentences. (I was just on the phone with my mom and asked her about this, and she said that she figures I was just waiting to get it right before I tried it in front of other people.)
Back from trick-or-treating (DH is working on the pictures).
Annabel just put her little half-sized basketball on top of her candy-collecting plastic jack-o-lantern (I think because they're both orange and black). She then proceeded to dance in circles around it.
I think she's calling the Great Pumpkin. Though hopefully not the Robot Chicken version.
Ow. OK, I have no clue what I just did to my eye. I was taking my contacts out, and as I took out the left one, it felt like I was pulling the skin (or whatever -- cornea?) off my eyeball. Nearly screamed from the pain. I checked the mirror, and the eye looks slightly red, but nothing major. This was a few minutes ago, and the pain's gone down, but it still really hurts. Anyone have any idea what happened there?
I don't know, but you need to stop trying to poke your eye out. Really.
Could the contact have gotten too dry or something? I'm kind of clueless about these things.
my completely unfounded guess is that your eye had somehow gotten dry beneath the lense and when you pulled it off it had a band-aid yanking effect
poor bunny