I've always used it, or heard it used, to mean "flailingwildcrazy with excitement," either joy or rage or pretty much any emotion, just very! much! so!, but apparently it just means flailingwildcrazy with anger to the UnAmericans.
I've always read/used/heard apeshit as RAGE! POOFLINGINGRAGE!
According to my doctor, it could take over a year for the nerves to grow back at the site of the incision, and they grow inward toward it, so it's probably that.
The babies are off trick-or-treating with Daddy. I couldn't go.
I told Kara it was time to go trick-or-treating and to come let me help her get ready and she replied, "There's no time! We have to go!" and ran for the door. I told her people wouldn't give her candy if she weren't dressed up, so she came back.
It took me a little to catch up, but my worry as a mom is that Aidan will always be a baby. He seems to have hit a plateau, where every time we try to teach him something new he goes into a rage.
Teddy Grahams sort of fly up in the air before dropping them back down
He's just started doing this, the making noise with toys and stuff. That's a pretty advanced skill, actually, so I'm impressed with Annabel all over again.
Yeah, apeshit means "angry" to me, too.
Got his US passport less than a month ago. Still hasn't used it.
C-section having had people: I have a little wrinkly saggie bit that has almost no feeling. Pinching it really really hard, almost doesn't hurt. Normal?
delurking for the second time today to say that although I've never had a c-section, I did have abdominal surgery and the incision site was like that for a really long time - months and months. Not sure exactly when the feeling came back, but it eventually did.
Going out to birthday dinner with Daniel.
Someone tell me to stop worrying about my hair and clothes.
so I will not be home for halloween. I put on the skull dress ( LA F2F) booties and socks, big wild hair, a wool blazer ( DH's) (dress is way to tight for work) , skull bracelet, and spider earrings. I spent much more time getting dressed in what I sould rather wear to work than what I usually wear. If halloween is go what you aren't I vaguely fell backwards. Except, I would never wear this everyday. My closet would like to house 4 or 5 personalities.
see also bugfuck mostly crazy .Beth, how'd you get my closet?
I've always used apeshit for the flailinglywildcraxy angry/freaky people.
Wish camera with me. Baby and Shiva sleeping head to head next to me. Too cute.
Kara at school today: [link]