I'm looking forward to the cutiehead Halloween pictures.
The county wanted kids to go yesterday afternoon, but my neighborhood decided on 4:30-6:30 today instead. The kids are annoyed about the daytime trick or treating, but it really has to be this way.
We hadn't purchased costumes before the storm so the boys are going as gas and electric. Brendon will be a gas pump and I'm not quite sure how Bobby is going to represent electric. Grandma is still staying with us so she is getting it together with them today.
I can't find the Halloween pajamas I bought for James. I guess I will have to find them after work, but I have looked everywhere.
Hey CaBil, good to see you posting.
Felicitations on the anniversary of your natal day, Daniel!
Feliciations on the anniversary of your wedding, Jilli and Pete!
Boo! everybody!
My sweetie bought me an itsy bag of candy corn, large enough for a generous handful, plus enough left over for a little dishful for my altar. Thus are my holiday requirements fulfilled.
Am I a bad person for succumbing to the holiday lure of the Hallmark store? I bought this. It is on my coffee table, full not of candy but the things that usually clutter the table. On top is my Halloween tarot and my circle of cats. This is the extent of my decorating, along with the usual sprinkling of candles to provide that flickering glow.
So I say again, Boo! and felicitations of the season to alla y'all.
Annabel is going as a black cat. We put her in her costume last night to see if it fit, and she is too. damn. cute.
If cute falls in the forest and there are no pictures, was it really cute? We need Annabel as a cat pictures.
We need Annabel as a cat pictures.
Patience. They will come tonight.
happy birthday Daniel!
happy anniversary to Jilli and Pete!
happy halloween!
Happy Halloween, everybody. We've got a werewolf, a ladybug, and a disaffected teenager here.
Happy Birthday, Daniel! With lots of cake!
Happy Anniversary, Jilli and Pete!
vw, your PCP's office sounds remarkably snarly. Give 'em hell.