I got my steroids, finally. So, I haven't gone to the ER again. If I have another attack today, I'll be going, though. I don't want another night like last night.
You get to hear everyone's not-spoken thoughts.
It's a power that I hadn't really considered before doing the survey. I don't know why. It's kind of cool, though....that people trust me enough to share this stuff. And I take it seriously.
Also, I love reading the stuff on the Bronze. I lurked there forever, but was too intimidated to ever post. I feel like I'm finally making a connection with these people.
"Well, if it's okay with you, I've told the nasty demon to step off now."
"Really? Ta ever so." (Suppilcant stands) Great, I can walk...that's really brilliant. Been a really long time."
(Audience claps like at Wimbledon)
And I also totally slacked on saying, Great interview! Though their failure to honor your "e" was very distracting. And, yeah, the bit about England being ruled by churches was a bit headscratchy. Not that I've done more than live a year at a university, but my very distinct impression was that all of the students, and all the faculty and staff who weren't actually connected to the chaplain's office, regarded churchiness of any sort as picturesque but quaint. Nothing wrong with it, really, and a lot of it was quite pretty, but it was just baffling that anyone would take any of it seriously. I grew up in one of the most secular corners of the U.S., and it still seemed about a million times churchier than the U.K.
Howsomever, all the parts of the interview that had to do strictly with your own self, how you see the world, and what you write and how and why? Totally rocked, missing "e" and all.
yay vw has druigs!
I still need to take the survey and read erika's interview
Thank you. For the record, I told them that the lurkers who support me in e-mail were most upset about that.
I did not trust myself to correct it earlier without being all "Please don't be an idiot. Thank you." (Because I don't fuck with people's bylines and because they have seen my name three times a week for two months and that is edging into "How fucking hard is it?" and I still resent having to be the one to catch that first.)
Laura, I'm so glad to hear you guys have some provisional power at least and things are getting back to normal. Sounds like the boys had an adventure.
My dad just called and he's back from Georgia to Florida to clean up after the hurricane. Lost a couple trees but that's it. His neighbor went over and opened up the house and cleaned out his fridge for him.
He and Emmett had a long talk which was nice.
Timelies, gallant Hecubus.
Hey erika. Are you fully stocked for Halloween? We opted for a mixed bag of miniatures, and I'm afraid the stock of Milky Way and Twix has already been depleted.
David, did you even see that I posted pictures of my Halloween costume? One might think you skipped and/or skimmed.
Laura! So glad to see you and so glad you and your family are okay.
~ma and hugs to all who need them. I skipped madly.
Also, I feel like poop on toast. I hate colds.
We never get anyone here. I suspect because our neighbors are giant maxi-buzzkills. But I suspect we might liberate some chocolate when it goes on sale Tuesday.