And oh, we have had four editors (including me) proofing the document and having ongoing arguments in the margins about whether we're using serial commas or not.
But...of course you must use serial commas.
The serial comma doesn't get enough love.
t /comma traditionalist
If I end up freelance editing this thing, it'll get serial commas.
t sits with AmyLiz
ION, I just got my December issue of Romantic Times Book Club. In October. Within a week of getting the November issues of the other magazines I read. Is it just me or is this a little ridiculous? It's basically reviews of books that hit the shelves in December, so it's not too soon to preorder or make library purchase requests, but if I read it now, there's no way I'm going to still remember that any particular book sounded intriguing 6 weeks from now when I might actually see them in the local B&N.
Serial commas suck. They're for fuddy duddys and maiden aunts and licorice eaters and people who have hard candy in cut glass bowls that melts together into one lump and collects dust.
See if you ever get a picture of my super short hair.
::gives david the finger::
They're for fuddy duddys and maiden aunts and licorice eaters and people who have hard candy in cut glass bowls that melts together into one lump and collects dust.
Well, I'm two of those.
I should clean out the candy dish, yes.
Serial commas suck. They're for fuddy duddys and maiden aunts and licorice eaters and people who have hard candy in cut glass bowls that melts together into one lump and collects dust.
I just figure they're for Americans.
::notes licorice stain down the middle of tongue::
::gives david the finger::
::notes distinct hard candy/dust combo on fingertip::
t rolls eyes forever at Hec
I write historical fiction. It's
to be old-school.