Most checkins these days print you out a ticket. I guess you could get through security with an itinerary and get a ticket at the gate, but... I usually get a ticket on flimsy paper at the check in counters, or prior, at home onm my crappy printer.
OK, I'm jonesing for thin mints. This is wrong. I don't like cookies that much.
Ah, ita, you have more faith in the network than I do.
It's 2C outside, but I am still refusing to turn on the heat. I do really need to put socks on, though.
Sue is crazy.
It's 67 F in my apartment, and I'm wearing 2 layer and this is just too cold.
I figure if they can't find me in the computer, my piece of paper won't help.
This particular security chick was pre-checkin. Kenya, perhaps?
I'm watching
Carnival of Souls.
I'm having a hard time remembering why I put what on my Netflix list. Also watched
In The Shadows
which were even more confusing choices. This one, at least, has a rep. But I think I've seen it before.
Ah, well. I just need a quiet night.
And now I'm off to the city to see some actors perform 30 plays in 60 minutes.
The Neo-Futurists? TMLMTBGB? I am whimpering with envy.
If the Charlaine Harris books are the ones I'm thinking of (the blurb about the waitress and the brand-new love of her life who is tragically undead makes me think they are), then meh indeed. I read one (the waitress one) all the way through, but rolled my eyes forever through the entire last four chapters, and never read another.
Oh, god, I went and clicked on the link in flea's post about chronic pain, and got to the phrase "one long 15-year migraine" and had to look away. I don't need to know. Not that badly.
Yes! Thank you! I stopped by the craft store, and I just need to pick up wings (or supplies to craft them) tomorrow, and then I'm golden. Given the amount of fairy dust I bought, I suspect I won't have any friends by Sunday.
If the Charlaine Harris books are the ones I'm thinking of (the blurb about the waitress and the brand-new love of her life who is tragically undead makes me think they are), then meh indeed. I read one (the waitress one) all the way through, but rolled my eyes forever through the entire last four chapters, and never read another.
I thought the first one was cute and fun but was meh about the second and haven't read further.