I don't understand how extending daylight savings time saves energy. I mean, no matter when the hours are, it is still light the same number of hours, right? And when it is not light, we turn the lights on, whether it is in the evening or the morning, right? So how am I saving energy by not turning my lights on at 6 am, but having to turn them on at 6pm instead of 7 pm? Or am I just a dunce?
The goal of Daylight Saving Time is to exend the amount of dayling in the evening (thus reducing energy consumption from lighting). Howerver, as the days get shorter in the Fall, there comes a point when the lack of lightness in the morning becomes a problem (for example, kids going to school) so at the end of October, Daylight Saving Time is ended in order to have light earlier in the morning.
By pushing back the day when DST ends (and making it start earlier in the Spring) we will save some energy during that extra time that DST is in effect.
edit for typos
And when it is not light, we turn the lights on, whether it is in the evening or the morning, right? So how am I saving energy by not turning my lights on at 6 am, but having to turn them on at 6pm instead of 7 pm?
The theory is that more people are awake at 7pm than at 6am. During the summer it's more like 4 or 5 am when people would have to be awake to suffer from legally imposed darkness.
I guess I don't understand it because I always have to turn the lights on in the am, too (I get up at 4:30 - 5:00)
I guess I don't understand it because I always have to turn the lights on in the am, too (I get up at 4:30 - 5:00)
That's because Congress thinks you're weird.
mmmm... fruitcake
I need to look at alton's reciepe, but i like my candies fruit - except I do not alow green cherries 'cause we hates them.
Anticipating fitzmas is almost as bad as waiting for xmas was as a kid.
beth, today's installment has happened. Libby was indicted and resigned. There will be no word on Rove today.
That's because Congress thinks you're weird.
Well, but I don't know any adults that are not SAHM who don't have to be to work at 8:00 am or before. I would think that most adults in my city/area are awake by 6, at least.
I don't know any adults that are not SAHM who don't have to be to work at 8:00 am or before
I get into the office at 8:30. I have co-workers who don't get in until after 9:30. Of course, I get up way early to get here, because I live far away, but you'll hear employees bitch if a meeting's early enough that they need to wake up before 8.
Wow-- I just live on another planet! How late do you have to stay?
(Also, I should have said I don't know any adults in my area-- as I know that people in larger cities seem to have to be at work later)