Ack. My throat hurts this morning. I really hope I'm not coming down with something.
Weekend plans include going to see "Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind" in the city tonight. I have a friend visiting from out of town who's never been and I've never seen one of their Halloween shows, so it seemed like a no-brainer.
Tomorrow night I'm going to a Halloween party/wedding, costumes-required. I've been wracking my brain trying to come up with an idea since I got the invite on Sunday (both halves of the couple thought the other had invited me. Oops.) and am coming up empty. Looking through my closet I realized I'm only a gun and a hat or olive drab jacket away from having a complete Jayne costume, so I'm going to look for the missing pieces tomorrow afternoon and go with that.
I was behind a hearse today. A caddy. Model name? Eureka. There is something just odd about that.
Last night at dinner, my family was discussing cars. My father brought up the Scion. It took me forever to understand, because they all pronounced it incorrectly. Jesus wept.
Last night's Daily Show was funny - Jon was saying how Republicans (or was it administration officials?) were eating their young. Then he did that thing where he pretended to be listening to his earpice, and said, "Wait - I'm being told that is not a metaphor.)
Heh. I've decided I will feel much, MUCH better if I begin to think of Shrub as Pres. George W. Backpfeifengesicht.
I hope they start turning on each other the way Nixon's people did.
That would just be the BEST FITZMAS EVAH!!!!
Speaking of best evers (for lo, I am shallow) Best Kitchen Confidential Co-Star Ever. With some small plot details.
Also, KC'll be back during sweeps, so yay!
oh my goodness with the pretty.
Yay for indictments and pretty pretty co-stars!
Did they find out why NYC smell(ed) like syrup?
Remember that post where I said I was awake earlier? Seems like I lied, because when the shuttle people called, it startled me, and the cats, and then I fell down and went boom, and the kitchen cart I use as my liquor cabinent got involved, and now I have a small cut on right hand, an spot that might bruise under my left eye, slightly crooked glasses, and a hella of a bruise on my big toe, which may actually be broken, based on my pain level.
Yay Me!