But furry pink batwings sound like a wise investment. Where are they for sale?
Yep. They were very cute. I didn't invest in them, but I wanted them desperately.
I need a costume for school. I think I should go as Miss Alanieus and just put a random collection of crap on a cape and a pageant ribbon
I fell in love with a pair of purple velvet and satin high heel pointy toes slides today. I would own them now, but I haven't worn high heels since high school, and all scenarios where I imagined myself wearing them ended in the ER.
ER would be bad. I'm looking for saddle shoes.
Vintage or new saddle shoes?
new. Bass used to carry them but I can't find my size. Grr.
eBay has some bass ones on BIN. I can't remember what size you wear. 6? 5?
7. Amazon has some, but I can't understand the widths. they say EE. What does that mean?
EE is normal, standard, medium. Most shoes sold are EE.
Okay! that makes more sense. so D is narrow?
Also, love these: [link]
D is for men. B is the next one down in narrowness for women.