The phone service is probably still really scattered. My parents' cell phones aren't entirely reliable yet, and I have no idea what's up with land lines.
It's also possible that they simply don't have the employees to man the place, even if the owner is back in town. Most business that are open are running on reduced hours because their employees haven't all returned. They don't have any place to live.
Do we know that people who want Condi Rice to run for president call themselves "Condistas"?
Listening to the Pinky and the Brain theme in German is a lot more fun than working.
The Michoud location is closed.
Also not a good sign.
The former manager is taking people by on an appointment basis to look at their rooms. Not the
sign, but not a good one either.
My migraine's back, and my remaining meds are in the car.
God, I love that crazy John Stewart guy.
The video in the Editorial Reviews of Al Franken's book (The Truth with Jokes) is pretty funny.
When you say "tights" do you mean opaque tights or hose?
I say tights for all, unless they are really sheer, then I might say stockings. Mostly because I hate the word pantyhose.
What's the common term in Canada?
Pantyhose for sheer, tights for opaque. Nylons was not uncommon growing up, but that might be a Cape Breton thing.
Have showered and clothed self. Have eaten something. Tummy still hurts but is a bit better. I smell a helluva lot better in general.
Must go work. To the coffee shop...
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