I am wearing tights today. Belatedly, I realized that I was wearing an outfit that made me look like a demure Bennetton teenager. After I left the house.
I do not understand how Bluetooth items do not all come in blue. I am literal that way.
Okay, let's talk about something like the thing with the guys and the bats and the ball.
Cricket!! Basketball at night, outside! Or VW can come up with more math problems that involve sports. Those are always fun.
is it coming to you or being sent directly to another source.
I asked him to send it to me. Mind you, he never replied, but I think if he'd sent it to the school instead, he would have told me that (also, he wouldn't really have a specific office to send it to).
What ChiKat and Jesse said.
I've been feeling so ick that I haven't made it out of bed today. Which is bad, considering the three sets of tests and one set of writing portfolios I have to grade today.
I can up with other vaguely TV-related Broadway trivia!
I saw Jerry Orbach in 42nd Street, back in the day.
Fuck. I have a lesson plan to concoct for today.
What goes well with bearhug from behind (leverage on finger)?
I saw Jerry Orbach in 42nd Street, back in the day.
I saw Jerry Orbach in swim trunks, back in the day.
What? Not about me? Surely you jest.
I asked him to send it to me. Mind you, he never replied, but I think if he'd sent it to the school instead, he would have told me that (also, he wouldn't really have a specific office to send it to).
go ahead and call. if he's forgotten, he'll be grateful to be reminded.
Me too! I also saw Peter MacNicol in
Crimes of the Heart
(Okay, not a musical, but still awesome)
and John Goodman in
Big River.
OMG -- ita and JERRY ORBACH?!?!?!?!
Well, he
in IMDB, after all.