Has anyone here shopped at White House/Black Market? I'm looking at their sale stuff -- some of it's really pretty. Good quality?
msbelle, did you like Eyes? I'm watching the unaired eps, and they just used the term "jackhole" which always makes me think of you.
Uh, fondly.
they actually said jackhole in one of the aired episodes. And yes I watched it, and I loved it and I would take very kindly (read bribery here) to getting the unaired eps.
Ooh! I wonder how nice I am.
What was that other show that got cancelled with Carla Gugi?no-the woman now on Threshold? I keep trying to recall the title and am blanking.
It was probably my favorite show last year. You are very nice. You like simple silver shiny things, garnets, lemon bars, Prince, massages, curried goat, and slinky dresses. You also appreciate decorating advice, pics of men in glasses, wet men, men's hands, and free room and board if/when you visit NY. please.
Thank you! I liked that show.
Hmm. I will take all this into consideration.
When I get back from krav.
So much ita to cherish. ;>)