Kate -- I don't think I wished you a happy birthday yesterday, so happy belated!
Brenda, I'm going to go with the rumours, and wish you a happy birthday now -- either timely, or early, I suppose.
Tried the chocolate cookies with honey vanilla tea -- thumbs up.
I found frappr.com -- it'll let us do what we were doing with Gus's map, but all on one image. Cool, huh?
Cheese on a plain bagel does not even a sandwich make.
They love acronyms around here. They adore them. It doesn't matter if we don't create an acronym, someone will acronymize it for us, so we have to pre-emptively strike on acronym creation.
It would be nice if the heat was on in my office building. I am very glad that I am wearing a thick bra today.
I am being ASSCAPed in e-mail.
Birthday happies, brenda.
As opposed to birthday hippies, which I typed first for some reason.
As opposed to birthday hippies, which I typed first for some reason.
Dude. Don't harsh her birthday mellow.