My landlord is kind of malleable, but also kind of cheap and helpless. He is, in fact, far happier for me to buy things and take them out of the rent, which allows me to spend like crazy on the front garden.
Thermostats are pretty cheap. You may want to go the install and take out of rent route. Or just send him ads for them with your check.
I blame the liberal media.
Well, sure!
I am about to buy a nice present for a friend, and then head home. I've gotten almost no work done today, but I'm pretending that it's OK because it's my birthday.
KATE P! It's your birthday! (sneaky woman, not saying anything until the end of the day...)
Well, I'm trying this new approach of NOT making a gigantic deal out of my birthday... but I still like it best when people fuss over me, so it's not such a successful approach. :-)
Happy Birthday, Kate P.!!!
Happy Kate birthday! Oh frabjous day!
Thanks, everyone! Now I feel all warm and fuzzy.