You know, I'm not normally one to complain much about the low flying helicopters. At most, they get a roll of the eyes or sometimes a chuckle.
We're going on 18 minutes of circling in very small circles above my house. This is me not chuckling. This is also me not sleeping. At this point, and following a Prison Break marathon, I'm just waiting for the armed felon to show up on my doorstep. Though I doubt said felon will look like Michael Scofield or Lincoln Burroughs.
ETA: Wow. Posting was like a magic pill or something. They've flown away now. Let's try the sleeping thing again.
::is very thankful for lack of helicopters in this neighborhood::
I had such a bad sinus headache last night that I took some major decongestants and went to bed at 9:30. Amazingly, it seems to have done the trick, though I'm still a bit more groggy than normal this AM.
I hate wakeing up at 3 - It is almost a garuntee that I will be awake ofr a few hours.
well, at least I can send out the be safe ma~~ to florida
Girls of Geekdom calendar. It's a cool idea, but I think the execution could use some tweaking. Damned if I can articulate how at this early hour, though.
msbelle will be amused to know I got an email from a Derek Sheppard this morning. And it isn't spam.
I think it is time to fire up the humidifier. My head is being stupid and ...something. There's a word for it but it escapes me this early and under the influence of sudafed.
mmm Dr. McDreamy. afraid of ita's link.
I'm hoping everyone in FL is ok and stays dry.
Girls of Geekdom calendar. It's a cool idea, but I think the execution could use some tweaking. Damned if I can articulate how at this early hour, though.
Those pictures aren't terribly sexy...?
It's a cool idea, but I think the execution could use some tweaking. Damned if I can articulate how at this early hour, though.
also, what bon bon said.
Well, I don't think they have to be sexy. Which might sound like I'm saying the geek bar is set low -- that's not what I mean. But it's not what I'd fix.
I think it's the concept of each shot, the conceit of each one, isn't worked hard enough. I think I like the word geek one best. The others feel like a woman in her underwear in front of a backdrop. Just that.
Those pictures aren't terribly sexy...?
nor are the girls geeky. They just look like soft core porn people with geeky background images.
ETA or what ita said