Wow, Sarameg. I went to see that last night, in the theater just up the block from the coffeeshop where I'm sitting. The crowd was mostly 30s-50s white East Bay lefties.
When Murrow makes his big speech in the beginning, there were cheers and clapping in the audience. Yeah, we're not critical of the mass media here.
I thought it was an interesting movie, but not a brilliant one. Not enough drama to it, and the pacing was odd. Still, such a good cast.
Book is bound!
Unbelievable amounts of housework to be done. DONT WANNA.
C'mon Allyson start cleaning, everyone is doing it. you'll be one of the cool kids.
The getting dark early thing is really starting to affect me. I feel like I should be going to bed soon.
Dinner has been ordered, now to get a few more things done.
I saw it today too, and the crowd was totally representative of my neighborhood (half people exactly like me, half Jewish/Italian senior citizens).
I loved every second of it. I don't know if "brilliant" is the right word, but I loved that they didn't fuck with the story. They just told it. It wasn't shoehorned into a three-act screenplay with a big emotional climax scene, there was not one flashy or false moment in the entire film. It was practically a documentary, what with half of it being either footage or quoted from transcripts. And I loved that they let the story stand on its own that way.
Just back from a Sleepover at the Wild Animal Park, where we got to go "backstage" into the enclosures for elephants, tigers and lions. Oh my!
Congratulations on the bound book!
was there a baby elephant? I love a baby elephant,
Jessica, yeah: it felt very much like a documentary, and I'm quite sure that the scenes of Murrow on television were word-for-word what he said. It's the sort of thing I wouldn't have been surprised to see on PBS, were it not for the cast.
My sister and I spent a lot of time going, "hey, who IS that guy?" And feeling bad for David Straitharn, who isn't a smoker.
Good Night and Good Luck
is on my list of things to go see. Of course, since I almost never go to the movies, the odds are against me seeing it before it comes out on DVD. Though, if I finish prepping for my class early, I could go see it tomorrow.
There was a bra. You should probably laugh anyway. I'm scared about how far I might have gotten if I hadn't come back for earphones.
the red 9 and 10 you see is a DMV thing.
Thank you!
Perkins -- I never heard back from them on my change of address either. I have to renew my driver's license in a few months, so I suppose something will come of it then.